12 States to Pretend Votes Actually Matter.

Today, March 1st, is Super Tuesday 2016. Arguably the most important day in both the Republican and Democratic primaries, 12 States and 1 territory have their delegates up for grabs. It is a widely held belief that whoever wins Super Tuesday will win the primary.

Speaking exclusively to EIASC, author and political analyst George Lazerbeak explained what makes Super Tuesday so important.

“It’s essentially the Super Bowl of the primaries.” Lazerbeak said, “We essentially make a giant, national, television event out of something that essentially doesn’t matter.”

Lazerbeak pointed to the machinations of party leaders on both sides, the undue corporate influence that has permeated proceedings,  proportional allocation, and the influence of Superdelegates on the Democratic proceedings as the biggest obfuscations of democracy.

“This is going to be a literal clusterfuck.”, Lazerbeak finished. Our editorial staff is inclined to agree.

Koch Bros. Trademark The Word “Cock” So You’ll Stop Saying Their Name Like That


In a registration filed this morning with the United States Copyright Office, Koch Industries have begun the process to trademark the word “cock” and all derivatives thereof. “It was the only logical step forward for the Koch name, both as a company, and as a family.” Charles Koch, C.E.O. of Koch Industries and CATO Institute co-founder, was quoted in a statement to the press. “It may seem at odds with my goals belief in liberty and free-market, but there’s only so much that a family can take. Our name isn’t pronounced that way, and we’re tired of immature jackasses calling us cocks.”

The move was met with near instantaneous criticism from legal and political circles. “The idea of copyrighting a curse word because people use it to make fun of your name or brand is absurd. It flies in the face of the First Amendment, and would set a nightmarish precedent about what words are aren’t acceptable.” says resident E.I.A.S.C. legal expert Harold Lugerman, Esq. “The scary part? With the amount of money and influence the Koch Brothers possess, they just might get it. You know how the government likes to stroke Kochs.”

We will update this story when new information is made available.

Mark Wahlberg Inadvertantly Causes Philadelphia Financial Collapse

In a recent report published on Philly.com, over 40 restaurants have been ordered to cease and desist after Mark Wahlberg, in a stunning act of humility, and in an effort to promote his new restaurant: Wahlburgers, spent his weekend giving back to the less fortunate by selling burgers to mostly homeless college students at the popular Food Truck in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia.

In an EIASC exclusive interview, an anonymous employee describes the general atmosphere as being “He just kept telling us we can make bigger profit margins by not using water, soap, or gloves. He advised us that most Philadelphia restaurants do this and that we shouldn’t worry about it. The word quickly spread, and now we’re all being shut down.”

“Surely, we believe Wahlbergs appearance put Philadelphia food quality under a magnifying glass. We think he plotted to disrupt the business in our city so Wahlburgers can become a fiscal monopoly after it’s grand opening.”

“Most people in this great city don’t care about standard health protocols. That’s what makes us Philadelphia.”

Read more about the story here: http://mobile.philly.com/beta?wss=/philly/health&id=367845071&#hJ2MobhCk7AIQoiw.99

Maintaining Her Urban Image, Hillary Clinton Joins The Five Percent Nation

Glowing above her dashiki, Hillary Clinton addressed a large crowd in the South Bronx on Wednesday. Her opening line, “WAS GOOD, GODS!!!” was met with equal parts voracious cheers and muffled laughter from the largely black and Hispanic crowd, and the crowd noise only increased as she made her boldest campaign announcement to date; she has joined the Fiver Percenter Nation, an offshoot of the Nation of Islam. Although her enthusiasm for her new spiritual tradition seemed to be very high, at times her knowledge of the Nation’s teachings seemed limited at best. Clinton correctly referred to the Black Man as the Original Man, but incorrectly identified malt liquor as her “holy water” while generously guzzling from a 40 oz Olde English bottle and referred to Dr. Yakub (who NOI participants believe created White people as a “race of Devils”) as a “great man.” Additionally, she has named New York rapper Papoose her new Spiritual Advisor, oddly, Papoose was not present or a member of the Five Percent Nation

 When questioned, South Bronx resident Andre Gillette seemed perplexed but nonetheless pleased “I mean, I don’t think she realizes that the Five Percent Nation doesn’t accept white members, shit, I don’t think she understands what being a Five Percenter even means. That shit’s dead anyway, but the free 40s and Newports they gave out, that was real cool of them so whatever really.” This story is still developing, but at press time it seems like Hillary Clinton’s understanding of the Five Percent Nation was entirely derived from Wu-Tang Clan albums.

Thousands Dead, More Injured as Kanye West Hype Train Crashes

Kanye West’s new album The Life Of Pablo was aboard the largest Hype Train ever according to Guinness World Record’s, a train measuring at 3.7 Goblins, when en route to Madison Square Garden for the 4 pm release it tragically crashed in Staten Island. The damage has been estimated to have caused upwards of $80 billion in property damage as the train landed in Staten Island’s temporary City Hall, the municipal sewer system, and City Dump simultaneously.

The death toll is currently at 1200 but projected to rise. When pressed for comment, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s statement was brief and vague, “I kind of forgot that place existed after the last Gravediggaz album really, but after we finish revitalizing Brooklyn we’ll be right on it.” Pitchfork has given the crash an 8.8 and Best New Music.

WWE Honors Black History Month: Suspends Titus ONeil for Touching A McMahon While Black

Things got a little strange on Monday Night Raw after the ceremony held honoring the career of Daniel Bryan. In what many saw as an inoffensive move, Titus O’Neil grabbed Chairman Vince McMahon’s arm in what appeared to be a way to say something to him. McMahon reacted roughly as expected, in the most erratic and defensive way possible, shoving O’Neil and suspending him indefinitely the next day. The suspension, which WWE claims is due to “unprofessional conduct”, will likely sideline O’Neil until well after WrestleMania 32. The Internet Wrestling Community took issue with the move, pointing to McMahon’s noted past issues with racial insensitivity, including a sketch featuring McMahon saying the N-word in front of a stunned Booker T. However, in a statement to EIASC, WWE representatives tried to paint it in a more positive light.

“This is our way of celebrating Black History Month.” the representative told our reporters, “WWE has a rich tradition of black Superstars at every level. Mr. McMahon figured that there would be no better way to honor that rich tradition, than by giving one of our current, most notable black performers some time off to reflect upon this heritage.” When asked about why this policy did not extend to the much beloved trio The New Day, the source screeched loudly into the phone. “NO! YOU WILL NOT TAKE THE NEW DAY! THEY ARE ALL WE HAVE LEFT!” The call was abruptly terminated after.

J.K. Rowling to Beat the Dead Harry Potter Horse Once Again Because You’re Dumb Enough To Keep Giving Her Money


In an exciting announcement for adults desperate to hold on to their childhood and preteen girls with bad taste in literature, J.K. Rowling announced on her profit-milking website Pottermore that her new stage play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” would be released as a script book, making it the 8th official Potter novel.

“We are so excited to work with Mrs. Rowling in bringing fans this wonderful new tale.”, said David Shelley, CEO of Rowling’s publisher Little, Brown Book Group, “We received a number of appeals from fans who couldn’t be in London to see the play, but are still retarded enough to throw their money at anything Potter related. We wanted to be as accomidating to their stupidity as possible.”

“With the amount of times I’ve beaten this dead horse, I should be arrested for animal abuse!”, Rowling said in her statement to Potterm- y’know what? Fuck it. It’s not even worth mocking at this point.

This is a personal appeal from the creators of EIASC; Please, PLEASE, don’t fall for this obvious cash grab. Hold yourself and the world’s content creators at a higher standard for once. Don’t just dump your money down the toilet just because the seat has Harry Potter written on it.

Nation Shocked That Sport Involving 250 Pound Men Crashing Into Each Other Causes Brain Damage

In a startling revelation Monday, medical scientists at Columbia University have come forward with evidence that football, a sport in which 200 to 300 pound men repeatedly crash into each other head on for up to three hours, causes serious brain damage. In a prepared statement, Dr. Abdul Proctori revealed that “we knew that, you know, football causes torn Achilles and broken legs and shit, but when these dudes kept ending up retarded or killing themselves it was obvious something was up. The shocking part is that when genetic freaks who can run 100 meters in less than 11 seconds while bench pressing up to 500 lbs run into each other at full speed they actually cause serious long term brain damage.”

In the report, doctors uncovered further evidence that suffering multiple severe concussions every year over the course of a decade can cause irreversible brain damage, and even make players basically retarded. Reeling from the news, the nation has decided that although it might cause permanent brain damage, football is just too damn fun to watch, and the only other thing we have to do on Sundays is go to church and that sucks ass, so we’re just going to let football keep going for awhile.

Marco Rubio’s Roboticists and Programmers Apologize for Debate Glitch


At the last Republican debate,  New Jersey governor called out Marco Rubio for repeatedly bringing up a rehearsed point about Barack Obama knowingly doing damage to the country. Today, on the day of the primary, the Rubio campaign is speaking out.

Speaking exclusively to EIASC, Rubio’s chief robotics engineer Doctor Thomas Emery addressed the behavior as a glitch in the senator’s vocal processors.

“When interrupted or distracted, the automaton’s vocal processors will try to go into an automatic mode, bringing about the repetition of one of many pre-recorded phrases.” Doctor Emery explained, “In some rare instances, it will continue to repeat the phrase. He’s been intermittently reactivating himself and sputtering it in the middle of the night. We should have it fixed by South Carolina!”

Despite making history as the first robot to run for a presidential nomination, Rubio has faced an uphill battle vying against his human opponents. For their part, the G.O.P. made his creators swear not to activate his weapons systems.

Bernie Sanders Promises to Make George R.R. Martin Finish ‘The Winds of Winter’


Ahead of tomorrow’s New Hampshire primaries, the candidates for both parties’ presidential nominations pulled out all the stops to appeal to their constituents. At a rally in Durham, projected Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders promised to resolve one of the biggest issues the American public faces; the completion and release of the sixth book in George R.R. Martin’s influential fantasy saga A Song of Ice and Fire.

“It’s high time that we hold the people who have become rich and famous off the backs of the common man to a higher standard.”, said the senator to a capacity crowd, “We need to send the very clear and concise message that we will not just sit back as he comes up with excuse after excuse for his lack of progress on a book that’s half leftover chapters from his last book. We, the public, will not rest until both the Winds of Winter and a Dream of Spring are in our hands, and silly talk of an 8th book ceased.”

Speaking to the press afterwards, Sanders made note of all the various distractions Martin had allowed to divert his attention from completing his saga, such as: football season, opening a movie theater, and his cameo in Sharknado 3 to promote the aforementioned theater. He then gave his three-point strategy on how he plans to make Martin complete the novel; economic sanctions on Martin’s publisher, revocation of his passport, and if the previous two fail, armed intervention. He justified these seemingly measures by pointing to a widely regarded drop in quality in the previous season of Game of Thrones.

“Just look at how they wrote Stannis Baratheon’s plotline. Any semblance of story logic went up in smoke long before Shireen ever did. You mean to tell me twenty-one men, Ramsay Bolton included, were able to destroy an army made of some of the most seasoned and highly regarded mercenaries in the world led by one of the series’ most hardened military commanders simply by lighting a horse on fire? Don’t even get me started on Brienne’s storyline or Jamie in Dorne.” He continued to mention his intentions of having David Benioff and Dan Weiss brought before a military tribunal on charges of treason.

When asked for comment, most of the other candidates seemed unaware of the book’s release as a hot button issue. Hillary Clinton, however, had a few choice words. “You can’t dictate how long an artist is allowed to complete their art, even if that’s literally the point of publishing deadlines.” Senator Clinton quipped when asked for a response, “I want to read about that Kelly C girl and her dragons, too, but it’ll be finished when it’s finished. You can’t rush quality.”

In a few short minutes, Sanders responded via tweets , seemingly prepared for his opponent’s response. “It would be a valid argument, if the best three books in the series didn’t come out at two year intervals. The decline in quality came after he started taking longer on the books.”

Ever the opinionated candidate, Donald Trump chimed in on the controversy stating, “This is why I gave up on Martin. If a contestant on the Apprentice had been that lazy, they would have been fired the first week. During the big gap between Feast and Dance, I lost interest and started looking into more productive fantasy writers like Brandon Sanderson. He knows how to execute his ideas cleanly and quickly. Think of me as a political Brandon Sanderson standing out against a field of bloated, overindulged Washington G.R.R.M.s.”